Friday, September 2nd, 2022


Effective September 2nd, the pump-out boat providing Sani-dump services to boaters moored in Tod Inlet is changing hands from Buchart Gardens to Tsartlip First Nation. During a brief transition period of 1-3 months, the service will be temporarily suspended.

Shown above: The Sani-dump boat prevents raw sewage from being dumped in Tod Inlet.

After running the mobile Sani-pump service for seven years, The Butchart Gardens decided to donate the boat used to operate the business to the Tsartlip First Nation. As the focus of the Nation is on stewardship of the inlet, the transfer was an obvious choice.

“We’ve been working too hard to restore the cleanliness and health of the water in our territory to let something like this lapse” adds TFN Director of Stewardship, Will Morris. “Although the business case for the pump-out service isn’t strong, from a Stewardship perspective, it’s a no-brainer.”

Shown above: Boaters moored in nearby Brentwood Bay

Boaters moored in the area are advised there will be a short lapse in service while the pump-out boat and business changes hands.

“We need some time to prepare to take over the service,” continues Morris “We’ll need to hire and train an operator”

Recently, Buchart delivered the Sani-pump boat to Tsartlip First Nation and signed over ownership of the boat and business, under the authority of the Stewardship department.

Tsartlip plans to self-fund the Sani-dump business for the next 18 months while working to secure ongoing federal, provincial and local government support to continue providing this important service to the region. 

Tsartlip is also actively seeking partnerships with all levels of government to improve enforcement efforts and stop the dumping in Tod Inlet. Talks are currently in progress with Central Saanich Police to accompany Tsartlip in their patrols of territorial waters.

Shown above: Will Morris, Tsartlip’s Director of Stewardship formally receives the pump-out boat.

Buchart Gardens staff, Norm Dyson – Director, Dave Cowen – CEO, John Tomlinson – Director of Visitor Services, Scott Peterson – Company Mechanic, attended the transfer.

“Tsartlip has always had an integral relationship with the waters in our territory.  We have a sacred responsibility to maintain a clean and healthy ocean. That’s why we’re stepping up to protect our sensitive marine environment and work towards reinstating clean water in our territory” shares Victor Rumbolt, Administrator at Tsartlip First Nation. 

Boaters can expect the service to resume in the coming months and are encouraged to check the Tsartlip First Nation website at for details 

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