Message from Chief & Council
In our first-ever annual report, we’d like first and foremost to acknowledge that we’ve heard the voices of our community members. You’ve told us you want access to timely information. You want to be part of the discussions and strategic decision making that shapes Tsartlip’s direction. Over the last few years we’ve been navigating the challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic which have impacted how we engage with the community. During the times of year the virus has been more prominent we haven’t been able to safely have in-community, in-person events, or Band General Meetings with the frequency we are used to. This year however, we are grateful we were able to safely host our Band General Meeting for the first time since 2019. Now that it’s safe for us to meet in person again, we are excited for Tsartlip to host its first Annual General Meeting (AGM). There, our membership can once again take part and engage and learn more about our departments and the incredible work that they do on our behalf. The Annual General Meeting is just the first step to working more closely with our members. We will also be holding additional Band General Meetings. The schedule for these meetings will be provided well in advance so members can plan to attend.