Hello Tsartlip Community,
There is a rumour going around that we are under a Boil water advisory. This is an unfounded rumour. The BWA only effects East Sooke. I have reached out to FNHA to confirm our findings and they wrote:
“This is to confirm that:
Water at Tsartlip First Nation is supplied by the Capital Regional District (CRD) and is being tested at an accredited Laboratory on a weekly basis.
There has never been any evidence of contamination of drinking water at Tsartlip First Nation.
Test results have showed that water quality at the Tsartlip Nation meets all the requirements of Guidelines for the Canadian Drinking Water Quality.
There has never been any past or current water quality or boil water advisory issued for Tsartlip First Nation water system.
First Nations Health is the only authority which issues any water quality advisory in consultation with Chief and Council. To date, we have not issued any water quality advisory.
Therefore, I would like to assure and strongly advise all members of the Nation that the water is safe to be used for all purposes.
Please let me know if you need further assistance in this regard.
Thank you
May peace be with you today and every day
Seyoum Gebeyehu
Environmental Public Health Officer, B.A.Sc, MPH, CPHI (C)
Environmental Public Health Services.
2412 Beacon Ave. Sidney, B.C.| V8L 1X4
Email: [email protected]; First Nations Health Authority
C: 778-584-3934″