Tsartlip Concerned With Regards To Industrial Expansion Applications in Bamberton and Saanich Inlet

Two related applications have been submitted for a proposed industrial expansion project located within the traditional territories of Tsartlip First Nation:

  • Under Application/Mine File #0800407, Malahat Investments Corporation proposes to increase the existing Bamberton quarry size by 47% (18.3 ha) and to significantly increase quarry production by 479,000 tonnes/year.
  • Under Crown Land File #0336205, Malahat Nation and 0716927 B.C. LTD. propose to replace the existing aquatic foreshore lease in the Saanich Inlet, and to significantly expand the boundary by 25 acres into the Saanich Inlet and renew tenure for an additional 30 years.

Tsartlip is increasingly concerned by the cumulative impacts of industrial development within our traditional territories and the further impairment of Tsartlip members’ ability to practice their constitutionally protected Douglas Treaty rights to hunt and fish as formerly. There is scarce land available for hunting over unoccupied lands, and marine resources are under increasing strain.

The two proposed applications present compounding barriers to both access and availability of land, water and resources needed to exercise Tsartlip rights. Among other concerns, if the applications were to be approved, they may result in risks and impacts including:

  • Increased quarry blasting and resultant noise, dust, pollution, and vehicular traffic;
  • Land loss, erosion and degradation, and increased visual impacts;
  • Increased marine vessel traffic and moorage in Saanich Inlet, due to the export of additional quarry materials;
  • Exposure to and risks from pollution and contaminants, including contaminated soils, creosote piles, cement powder, scrap metal, aggregate, and fuel that would be loaded and unloaded in Saanich Inlet;
  • Resulting environmental impacts to fish, fish habitat and marine life; and
  • Impacts on wildlife, the environment and cultural artifacts, in areas where our members and our ancestors have traditionally exercised our rights.

In addition, YOS (Malahat Mountain) is a special and sacred place for Tsartlip community members and carries historical and ongoing importance. If approved, these applications would cause a further divide in the relationship between the land on YOS and the waters in Saanich Inlet.

To date, Tsartlip has not been adequately consulted regarding the applications by the Crown or proponents. Tsartlip has notified the Province of its concerns with the applications and lack of consultation. Tsartlip has requested that no decisions be made on the applications until Tsartlip’s concerns have been considered and addressed. These impacts to our constitutionally protected Douglas Treaty rights must be appropriately addressed and accommodated. Chief and Council will continue to stand up for the integrity of our traditional territories and to preserve and protect our Douglas Treaty rights.

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