This is a support group for all of our TSARTLIP community members.
Each week the conversation will be open for discussion, unless determined otherwise. Bring your thoughts and ideas forward to chat in a trustworthy setting. Confidentiality will be held in high respect. Everyone has the right to their say, opinions, thoughts and ideas. Let’s hear what’s on your mind.
Traditional Smudging is optional for those who would like to participate. Drumming and singing is always good medicine for the spirit, if you would like to bring your drum. Drums are also available at the health building to use.
Come and join us at the TSARTLIP Health building:
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
From 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Snacks and Refreshments provided
Contact Brenda Bartleman, NNADAP Worker, for more information at 250.652.4473