The new “beast” of a work truck will support the Tsartlip Marine Stewardship initiative
and much more.
A giant silver work truck is here, and it’s already making a huge difference for Tsartlip!
The new work truck – which features a tilting 18X8 feet bed with a winch, removable
walls, and a gate – is part of the new equipment acquisitions for the Tsartlip Marine Stewardship Initiative.
Through the Stewardship Initiative, Tsartlip is working to protect the Salish Sea from the adverse impacts of human activity. The Initiative is part of a larger Salish Sea Initiative, through which 33 other nations have come together to protect the Sea.
Having access to large equipment – including a marine vessel, a trailer, and, not least of all, the new work truck – will increase the capacity of the Stewardship Initiative to become an active participant in the Salish Sea Initiative.
According to William Morris, the Director of Stewardship, “the intent of the truck [is] to assist in removing ghost gear and derelict boats from our bay at our Tsartlip Boat Ramp among other uses such as invasive species removal from some of our traditional sites.”
The addition of this work truck is the most recent in a string of exciting developments in the Stewardship Initiative.
For example, the Department recently launched a critical Loss of Use program. The the program will “quantify and restore the loss of access to fishing rights under the Douglas Treaties.”
This program builds upon the 2018 Robert’s Bank Terminal study, which identified the impact of the industry on Coast Salish people’s right to hunt and fish as formerly. Through the Loss of Use program, Tsartlip plans to further quantify the marine loss of use experienced by Tsartlip and then generate a list of action items to remedy it.
In addition to its critical support of the growing Stewardship Initiative, the work truck will support the Tsartlip community in a multitude of ways. In the words of Will Morris, “We chose a work truck like this to be versatile to meet the needs of our department and community.”
Community members Thomas Sampson, Preston Morris, Franklyn Sampson, Emelio Garcia, and staff members Richard Underwood and Mike Desjarlais have already made use of the truck to carry out a program that brings firewood to elders. The large truck bed was filled edge to edge with firewood deliveries.
Additionally, staff have used the work truck to support Tsartlip community food fish pick up and delivery, and to move pallets, logs, and other heavy items. Continues Morris, “We are hopeful the work truck will also soon be used to assist in junk car and boat removal,” a task that, he says, will “add to community pride and give less opportunity for rodents to hide.”
Morris also envisions the truck will be used for fun events, such as Christmas parades,
to bring the Tsartlip community together.
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