Notice is hereby given to the electors of the Tsartlip First Nation that a poll will be held to elect one (1) Chief and nine (9) Councillors on the 6th day of December, 2021 from nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. until eight o’clock (8:00) at the following location: Tsartlip Administration Office #1- Boat Ramp Road Brentwood Bay, B.C., V8M 1N9):
If the elector wants to receive a mail-in ballot, they must make a written request to the electoral officer and provide the electoral officer with proof of identity by no later than November 29, 2021; Please note that in lieu of voting by mail-in ballot, every elector who does not reside on reserve, and to whom a mail-in ballot was mailed or provided, may obtain a ballot and vote in person at the above-noted location on the day of the election if the elector returns the mail-in ballot to the electoral officer or to the deputy electoral officer or, where the elector has lost the mail-in ballot, the elector provides the electoral officer or the deputy electoral officer with a written affirmation that the elector has lost the mail-in ballot, signed by the elector in the presence of the electoral officer, the deputy electoral officer, a justice of the peace, a notary public, or a commissioner of oaths.
The ballots will be counted immediately after the close of the poll on the 6th day of December 2021 at the Tsartlip Administration Office, #1- Boat Ramp Road, Brentwood Bay, B.C., V8M 1N9. and the results will be declared immediately following the count.