January 4, 2022
Scheduled Garbage pickup has been delayed as per the following notice by our service
provider, Waste Connections:
To all our Valued Customers:
The weather coupled with stat holidays and landfill closures last week we could not run 3 of the 5 days, and are now severely behind on many calls. We are out in force today and will be doing our best to make it to those customers that we missed Monday of last week. These problems are affecting many of you and for that we do apologize however we will need some assistance from our customers minimize the impact. We want to have everything prepared for our employees to get access to the containers so that we can focus on servicing customers as efficiently as possible.

With that, we ask for your help in the following manner:
- Ensure ice/snow are removed down to the asphalt or concrete. (As little as 1⁄2 inch can prevent us from getting your container)
- On exterior surfaces ensure that ice melt is used to keep ice from forming overnight and in shade areas that we need to access at your property.
- Make sure that bins are not overfull and that bins are not surrounded by material, if we cannot move the containers or access them due to excess material it may cause a delay in your service, picture is attached of a container that cannot be service due to material.
- Once the containers are emptied please refill them, when they are full give us a call and we will arrange to come back for a courtesy lift so that we can take the excess.
It will take us most of this week to get caught up from the delays last week and we appreciate your patience.
If you have, any questions reach out to [email protected]
Brad Janvier
Director of Capital Projects
Tsartlip First Nation