Another successful Tsartlip Road to Wellness Challenge has just finished!
About the Road To Wellness Challenge
Facilitated by Youth Program Coordinator, Mua Va’a, the Road To Wellness Challenge is a no-cost group exercise program that runs regularly, featuring exercise classes by three local instructors.
The Road To Wellness Challenge offers community members the opportunity to learn many different fitness techniques from crossfit, weight lifting, body weight exercises, boxing, kickboxing, and even Zumba! Each class is an 1 hour in duration and is open to Tsartlip Community Members of all ages.
Attendees benefit from accountability, group camaraderie and expert training. Some weeks there are even door prizes for attending!
This past challenge was 10 weeks long, with oneyouth attending 9 out of the 10 sessions and winning 6 weeks of training at Keating Crossfit.
Even though there were pandemic related challenges which required hybrid fitness classes, community members were happy to participate on zoom, or in limited numbers in person while safely
The next Road to Wellness session will be announced shortly. Please be sure to sign up for the Tsartlip newsletter and like the Tsartlip Facebook page to stay up to date.
Current Community Programs:
- Family Swim Visit at Panorama! Swim with up to 6 in your bubble. Contact Mua : 250-652-3988 [email protected] to enrol. This program is open to the greater W̱SÁNEĆ Community.
- May 8th at 10am: Mother’s Day project – Fathers and Kids come join us to make a small garden box for mom, aunties or grandma! Materials provided/instructors will be available to help also. We will be keeping in mind social distancing and wear masks. Please call in to sign up so that the supplies can be purchased and prepared ahead of time (it will be pre-cut so just putting together) Call Mua to have your name put on the list 250-652-3988 ext.228 / [email protected]
Upcoming Community Programs:
- Preventing Lateral Violence. A youth focused workshop conducted at the school, with a focus on early intervention and prevention of lateral violence. Program enrollment is specific to Tsartlip Youth. Details to be announced.
- Family Swim Program. Mua is working with various community pools to organize pre-booked family swim times. Program enrollment is open to the greater W̱SÁNEĆ Community. Details to be announced.
- Summer student employment program, this is available to students age 15 and up. Details to be announced.
Community Programs on hold due to COVID:
- Homework club. Monday and Tuesday 3-5pm for kids that need help with their homework, two teachers to assist. For all students, no age limit. Tribal school kindergarten to highschool.
- Summer Day Camp. – For ages 6 – 12.5
About the Youth Program Coordinator, Mua Va’a.
Originally from Samoa, Mua Va’a married and moved into the community in 1996. Mua has been working as the Youth Program Coordinator since 2002. His background is in youth counselling and his training with the Justice Institute of BC and on managing high risk youth has provided front line support for Tsartlip’s Youth.
Mua provides one one one support, being there for youth who need someone to talk to, to coordinating with other agencies to help youth get additional support, to developing and coordinating programs like the ones above.
Mua is dedicated to resolving issues that impact youth in the community, including lateral violence, drugs and alcohol, and more.
Contact Mua by phone at 250 652-3988 x 228, or by email at [email protected].