Share your photos to win!
Would you like your family photos featured in our community?
As we roll out our new and improved communications, we are seeking community members to share their memories with us.
This is an open call for photos!
We are seeking photos of:
- Our history, in black and white, printed or otherwise.
- Past events like Canoe races, soccer tournaments, youth athletics, cultural ceremonies etc.
- Elders, families and youth.
- Relatives that have passed
- Old village sites
- Natural world around our territory
- Hunting and fishing photos.
The photos will be shared on our communications platforms, which includes the online and offline newsletter, the official social media accounts and a freshly designed website that’s coming soon!
Each month between now and January, each person who submits a photo will be entered into a draw to win prizes including:
- $100.00 Visa Gift Card
- $100.00 Walmart Gift Card
- $75.00 Thrifty Foods Gift Card
- $75.00 Amazon Gift Card
- $50.00 Mastercard Gift Card
- $50.00 Fairway Gift Card
- $30.00 Subway Gift Card
- $25.00 Starbucks Gift Card.
How to enter to win:
Text your image to (250) 999- 1745 along with a brief message explaining what the photo is about, approximately when it was taken, who is in the photo (if applicable) and who took the photo, if you know.
If you have a physical photo, you can take a picture of it using your phone, and then send us the copy!
For best results, make sure there isn’t a glare on the photo, the lighting is bright and the photo is straight.
All images remain the property of their owners and your phone number will be kept safe.
Thank you for helping to ensure accurate representation of all the families that comprise our W̱JOȽEȽP community.
Each month, the winning photo will be posted on social media and the winner will be notified via text message.
Good luck!