CCC: Canadian Certified Cousellor RCC: Registered Clinical Counsellor
RCSW: Registered Clinical Social Worker RSW: Registered Social Worker

ETZEL, Samantha PITELANEWOT, RCC. 250.588.8809 Accepting new clients. First Nation

LACERTE, Marianne, RSW. 778.915.4898 Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

GREEN , Paula, RCC. 250.815.3256. Unknow client acceptance. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

HICKEY, Charlene, CCC. 778.587.1311. Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

HUU-MIIS TUHMAPT, MSW, RSW. Toll Free: 1.365.800.0592. Accepting new clients. First Nation

JAMIESON, Cynthia, RSW. 788.977.5593 (Phone Appointments Only). Accepting new clients. First Nation

KINYEWAKAN, Nancy, RCC. 250.661.5552. Accepting new clients. First Nation

LEBLANC, Jackie, CCC. 250.891.4134. Accepting new clients. First Nation

LOUIE, Marcena, RCC. 250.857.9134 (Phone appointments only). Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

MARSH, Sonnie, CCC. 250.532.1825. Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

MATTHEWS, Darlene, RCC, RSW. 250.893.7170 (Phone appointments only). Accepting new clients. First Nation

MICKLESON, Alice, RSW. 250.389.2819. Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

MOEN, Kelly, RCC. 788.677.5873. Accepting new clients (MEN ONLY). Metis

ROBERTS, Stephen, RCC. 250.370.0358. Wait list 1 month (MEN ONLY). Metis

SAHARA, Loren, RSW. 778.676.7844. Wait list 1 – 2 months. First Nation

SCOTT, Angela, RCC. 250.920.9576. 2 month or more wait list. Metis

SHORTT, Jennifer, RCC. 250.514.2694. Unknown client vacancy (Two-Spirit). Provider Indigenous Ancestry

SQUITTI, Sherry-Lynn, RCC. 250.933.4884. Accepting new clients. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

STEVENSON, Ranae Marlaine, RCC. 778.809.6094. Unknown client vacancy. Provider Indigenous Ancestry

For a full description of services provided, including rates and what is not covered, please visit the First Nations Health Authority webpage.